About the Journal
Anesthesia and Critical Care Reports and Imaging (ANCRI) is a web-based periodic international medical journal that provides a platform for publishing case reports/series (2–15 cases), as well as high-quality medical/clinical images, videos, or illustrations related to anesthesia, perioperative and critical care medicine, regional anesthesia, pain, and point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS).
One of the easiest and most effective ways to learn about clinical scenarios in the field of anesthesia and critical care is through scientific publications in the form of case reports and images. Sometimes, an image can convey more information than a thousand words.
Case reports and clinical images/videos help record and recall rare clinical scenarios, new treatment approaches, adverse or beneficial effects of interventions, and sonoanatomical images in the fields of anesthesia, pain, and critical care.
Peer Reviewed
ANCRI is an unbiased and independent journal that evaluates articles using an internationally refereed, "peer-review" and "double-blind" system. The language of the journal is English. ANCRI is published quarterly, with three issues per year (March, July and December).
Open Access
ANCRI content is accessible free of charge to all researchers, and no fee is charged for article evaluation or publication processes.
This journal aims to play an important role in promoting good clinical practices, advancing medical knowledge, presenting rare conditions related to complications or variations, and fostering the dissemination of best practices in clinical care. Therefore, we encourage anesthesiology and critical care professionals to submit their work to the journal and become part of this important field of research.
Copyright Licenses
Articles, pictures, figures, and tables published in ANCRI cannot be partially or completely printed or reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Abstracts and quotes may be used for scientific purposes (provided that the source is cited). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of articles, figures, and images published in the journal, while companies are responsible for the content of their advertisements.